Ahoy, lovely readers! Before you dive into the sea of love and dating advice we've concocted, let's get serious (but not too serious) for a quick second. You see, here at trusted-dating-reviews.com, we believe in transparency, almost as much as we believe in love at first swipe. This is why we have a Advertiser Disclaimer.

So, here's the funny (but legally important) part: Some of the links on our site are like cupid's arrows with a twist. When you click on them and decide to make a purchase or sign up for a service, we might get a little something in return. Think of it as a thank-you note from the internet gods, or a virtual high-five for hooking you up with great dating site options.

This doesn't mean we're selling our souls for a quick buck in ALL cases. Nope! Our reviews and recommendations are like MOST love lives – not completely honest in some cases, straightforward, and occasionally unpredictable. The compensation we get will have an influence on how the sites are ranked and reviewed which includes the position in the ranking we give a site. BUT, we only team up with dating sites that we think are the bee's knees and worthy of your time.

Why are we telling you this? Well, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) says we have to have this advertiser disclaimer, and they're like the stern chaperone at the high school dance of our website. Plus, we want to be as upfront as that person who tells you they're “not looking for anything serious” on the first date.

So there you have it! Our little disclaimer, wrapped up in a bow of honesty and humor. Now, go forth and read our reviews with the confidence that we're here to help you find love, laughter, and maybe a little commission on the side. Happy dating! 🌹💕💻